Norwegian evening lessons

The Norwegian lesson runs once a week at 5 pm - 7:30 pm and last for 20 weeks. All learners are tested and placed in groups based on their Norwegian language level.

Course fee

Some applicants may be eligible for free Norwegian courses.
Prices for the courses are given in the application form.


For registration, please fill in the registration form for Norwegian lessons and send it to Kvalifiseringstjenesten.

Registration form (PDF, 173 kB)

Course fee

Priser fra 1/8-2024
Norkkurs kveldstid - priser 2024
Kurs Kursavgift per semester
Kveldskurs/evening lessons A1-A2: 6 timer pr. uke/ 6 hours a week 5 500,-
Kveldskurs/evening lessons A2-B1: 6 timer pr. uke/ 6 hours a week 5 500,-
Kveldskurs/evening lessons B1-B2: 6 timer pr. uke/ 6 hours a week 5 500,-

For more information, please contact the school.